Friday, August 14, 2009

Golf Rules - Short Version

Lost Ball

Unfortunately the lost ball rule occurs too often for many golfers. There are negative side-effects to a lost ball. For one, the penalty for a lost ball is very stiff. Also, a lost ball can affect the speed of play if everyone spends too much time looking for their golf ball.

A golfer has five minutes to find a lost golf ball. After five minutes are up and the ball has not been found the ball is now 'lost'.

The penalty for a lost ball is stroke and distance. A player who lost a ball must add one stroke to their score. Obviously this is the stroke element. The player also has to play their next shot for the exact spot they last struck the ball, the distance element.

This is the only option for a lost ball. Other rules like water hazards or an unplayable lie provide the golfer with options where they can play their next shot.

Tip to speed up play:

If you believe your ball may be lost always play a 'provisional'. A provisional is a ball that is introduced into ball temporarily. The provisional is hit from the spot you last played. If your ball is found then no penalty has occurred and you play the original ball. If the original ball becomes lost then you play the provisional ball. The provisional ball takes care of the distance element of the rule and now you add a stroke penalty.

Out of Bounds

The out of bounds rule has exactly the same penalty as the lost ball rule, stroke and distance, making it a very punishing penalty.

The golf course boundary is defined by either a fence around the perimeter of the golf course or by white stakes. A ball that comes to rest outside of these boundaries is deemed to be out of bounds. Once a ball has been declared out of bounds the player must return to the last spot played and play the next shot from there.

Tip to speed up play:

If you believe your ball may be lost always play a 'provisional'. A provisional is a ball that is introduced into ball temporarily. The provisional is hit from the spot you last played. If your ball is found then no penalty has occurred and you play the original ball. If the original ball becomes lost then you play the provisional ball. The provisional ball takes care of the distance element of the rule and now you add a stroke penalty.

Water Hazard

Water hazards are defined by yellow stakes. Any ball that lies within the yellow stakes is now ruled in the hazard. The ball does not have to lie in the water to be ruled in the hazard.

To avoid a penalty shot the golfer can play the ball from the hazard. If the golfer elects this option, they must be careful when playing from the hazard. When the golf club touches a part of the hazard (water, grass, twigs, the ground, etc.), prior to the downswing, the golfer is assessed a one stroke penalty. But, a ball played cleanly from a water hazard will not be penalized.
If taking a penalty is your only option, the golfer has three choices in which to put the ball back into play. Use the option that best suits the situation.

1. Drop at the spot last played,

2. Drop the ball within two club lengths of where the ball entered the hazard line, no closer to the hole, and

3. Keep the point where the ball crossed into the hazard between the golfer and the hole, the golf may move back as far as they wish before they drop the ball.

After dropping the ball out of the hazard, the golfer must assess themselves a one stroke penalty.

Lateral Water Hazard

The lateral water hazard differs from a water hazard. For one the lateral water hazard is defined by red stakes. Second the golfer has more options to drop the ball out of the lateral water hazard.
The golfer still has the option of playing the ball out of the hazard without penalty.
Taking the one stroke penalty, the golfer has the following options to drop the ball.
 Drop at the spot last played,
 Drop the ball within two club lengths of where the ball entered the hazard line, no closer to the hole,
 Drop the ball on the reciprocal side of the lateral water hazard within two club lengths, no closer to the hole, and
 Keep the point where the ball crossed into the hazard between the golfer and the hole, the golf may move back as far as they wish before they drop the ball.
Remember always use the best option that suits your needs.
Unplayable Lie

An unplayable lie exists when you approach your ball and it's humanly impossible for you to play you next shot. The grass may be too high and/or thick, or the ball may be stuck in a tree, or situations similar to this are all examples of an unplayable lie. It's always better to declare an unplayable lie than risk injuring yourself or equipment.

If the ball is in a hazard like water or sand bunker it cannot be declared unplayable.

Once a ball is declared unplayable the player has three options in which to bring the ball in play.

1. Drop a ball near spot the ball was last struck, or

2. Drop the ball with two clublenths of the unplayable lie no closer to the hole, or

3. Keeping the spot of the unplayable lie between you and the hole, you may go as far back as you like and drop the ball anywhere along that line.

For the priviledge of dropping from an unplayable the golfer gets to add one stroke to their score.

Loose Impediments

Loose impediments are natural occurring elements on the golf course that are not permanently fixed, growing, solidly embedded, or stuck to the ball. Loose impediments include: twigs, branches, leaves, pine needle, acorns, worms, insects, and even dung. Sand and dirt are loose impediment on the putting green only. Snow and natural ice are considered either loose impediments or casual water. Dew and frost are not considered loose impediments.

Loose impediments can be removed as long as the ball does not move. The penalty for a ball that moves when a loose impediment is being removed is greater than leaving the loose impediment in its place.

If the ball and loose impediment are in a hazard the loose impediment cannot be removed, this includes all water hazards and bunkers.

When a ball is in motion, no loose impediments may be removed even if it may influence the balls flight.


This rule has two components, movable obstructions and immovable obstructions. The following pages will explain each component and the relief the golfer receives in each situation.

An obstruction is defines as anything artificial and including artificial surfaces, sides of roads and paths, and manufactured ice (ice cubes). Exceptions include: any object defining out of bounds, artificial objects that lie out of bounds, any construction the committee concludes to be an integral part of the golf course (this could include railway ties).

Movable Obstruction

A movable obstruction is an artificial object that can be moved without unreasonable effort, causing game delays, and causes damage to the golf course.

If the ball does not lie in or on the obstruction the obstruction can be moved. No penalty will occur if the ball moves while removing an obstruction. If the ball does move, it can be replaced.

However if the ball does lie in or on the obstruction, the ball can be lifted while the obstruction is removed. The ball may be dropped as near as possible, no nearer the hole, where the ball in or on the obstruction, this applies through the green, on the green, and in hazards. The golf ball may also be cleaned before the ball is dropped.

While a ball is moving movable obstructions cannot be moved. The only exceptions are attended flagsticks or equipment of other players.

Immoveable Obstruction

Interference from an immovable obstruction occurs when the golfer stance or intended area of the swing is interfered. If an immovable object lies on a green and interferes with the intended line of the putt, the golf may seek relief.

A golfer can receive relief without penalty from an immovable obstruction, except when the ball lies inside a water hazard or lateral water hazard. Relief includes:

Through the Green. A golfer finds the place where their swing will not be interfered with by the obstruction no nearer the hole. From this point the golfer can drop within one club length not nearer to the hole than the near point of relief (the spot determined by the first step).

In a Bunker. The exact same procedure must be followed as described above. However, the nearest point of relief must be in the bunker and the ball must be dropped in the bunker.

On the Green. The player may lift and place it at the nearest point of relief which is not in a hazard. The ball may also be placed off the green if that is the nearest point of relief.

A golf ball that has been lost in an immovable obstruction the golfer can take relief explained above if reasonable evidence suggests the ball was lost in the obstruction. Otherwise if no evidence exists then the situation must be treated as a lost ball.

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