- Saturday's varsity tournament was the first time all season that the Skyhawks had anyone outside of the Fox Valley Conference beat them.
- The Hawks are 32 - 3 outside of the Fox Valley and 35 - 11 overall.
- The 7 varsity golfers this year that played golf last year are averaging 3 strokes better this year than last year.
- If the F/S can win on Monday, they will finish the year at 4-7, the same record as last year, but last year we played as a JV team with juniors and seniors playing. Win or lose, great season freshmen and sophomores.
- Jake Arden and Tyler Chambers lead the senior class in scoring average.
- Rick Pries has the junior class player of the year title sewn up.
- Colin Goulet and Jake Gasior are the two lowest sophomores.
- Alec Brown, Ben Dingman, Brian Legnaioli and Cullen Mulvey are the four lowest freshmen. - They are only 8 total strokes apart for the whole season.
- We have our final dual match tomorrow vs. Grant at home. Be ready to play at 3PM. Wear something warm and bring rain gear.
- The varsity will be playing in the Fox Valley Conference Tournament on Thursday at Oak Grove. Tee time is 9AM. Bus time is 7:30. The seven varsity players will be excused from school for the entire day. Lineup is Arden, Chambers, Pries, Goulet, Gasior, Healy and Betke
- There is a varsity tournament Saturday morning at Antioch CC. The lineup will be determined soon.
- The F/S Conference Tournament is Saturday, October 10th at Renwood Golf Course. Tee times begin at 12 noon. The lineup for this tournament will be decided based on yearly averages and any practice rounds that we get in next week.
# posted by Brad Frey : 9:31 PM