Thursday, September 10, 2009

Schedule for the Week - Sept 14 through Sept 18

Monday - Practice at 2:45 @ Chapel Hill for all players not going to Renwood for the practice round

Tuesday - Match vs. Dundee Crown @ Bonnie Dundee Golf Course - Bus time 2:50
Varsity Lineup
  1. Arden
  2. Chambers
  3. Pries
  4. Gasior
  5. Goulet
  6. Healy
  7. Betke

F/S Lineup

  1. Lasky
  2. Baron
  3. Dingman
  4. Miller
  5. Smith
  6. Rackow
  7. Schmitt

Wednesday - Match vs. Crystal Lake South @ Redtail - Bus time 2:50

Varsity Lineup

  1. Arden
  2. Chambers
  3. Pries
  4. Gasior
  5. Goulet
  6. Lasky
  7. Healy

J/V Lineup

  1. Betke
  2. Baron
  3. Miller
  4. Smith
  5. Kulik
  6. Brown
  7. Ridout

Thursday - Match vs. Huntley @ Pinecrest - Bus Time 2:50

Varsity Lineup

  1. Arden
  2. Chambers
  3. Pries
  4. Gasior
  5. Goulet
  6. Healy
  7. Betke or Lasky

J/V Lineup

  1. Lasky or Betke
  2. Dingman
  3. Legnaioli
  4. Munson
  5. To be announced
  6. To be announced
  7. Wright

Friday - No Practice

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