Monday, September 13, 2010
Practice Winners
Congratulations to Alec Brown, Brian Legnaioli, Joey Kass and John Rackow for winning today's four man scramble with a 4 under par. Each of the winner's received a shiny Titleist for their efforts and John Rackow was awarded the last spot in tomorrow's match.
Lineups for tomorrow's match:
Varsity Lineup:
- Goulet
- Brown
- Gasior
- Pries
- Legnaioli
- Baron
- Mulvey
JV Lineup:
- Dingman
- Miller
- Kass
- Schmitt
- Rackow
- Wright
- Blankenship
Bus time is 3 PM. The bus will take you to Boone Creek, you must get your own ride home.