Wednesday, September 12, 2012

JHS vs Woodstock @ Plum Tree National - September 12, 2012

JHS 175
Woodstock 184

The Skyhawks won their second contest of the week venturing out to beautiful Plum Tree National Golf Course and defeating the host Woodstock / Woodstock North team by 9 strokes. Brian Legnaioli bashed in an 8 foot par putt on the 9th hole to edge out Alec Brown for team medalist with a 42. Joey Kass ran his streak of scores counting to 5 with a 45 and Jake Schyvinck, called off the bench, was the other score for JHS with a 45.

Varsity Scores:
Mulvey 51
Brown 43
Kass 45
Legnaioli 42
Matejka 49
Schyvinck 45
Miller 47

Conference Record 2-1
Dual Record 4-6
Overall Record 13-8

The JV squad posted their 2nd victory of the week also, beating Woodstock 189 to 198. Corey Smith shot well again with a 45. Luke Lobermeier had a 47.

JV Scores:
Lobermeier 47
C Smith 45
Doherty 48
MacFarlane 50
Wotring 49
Moore 53
J DeStephano 54

Tomorrow's Lineup:
***And remember to bring your rain gear***


B Smith
C Smith
Last two spots to be determined at the course

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