Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Wednesday's and Thursday's Lineups

Wednesday, September 12
Away match vs. Woodstock at Plum Tree National (Both varsity and JV will wear black shirts)
Bus time - 3PM - Tee Time - 4PM

Varsity Lineup:

  1. Mulvey
  2. Brown
  3. Kass
  4. Legnaioli
  5. Dingman
  6. Matejka
  7. Miller

JV Lineup:

  1. Lobermeier
  2. Corey Smith
  3. Wright
  4. Doherty
  5. MacFarlane
  6. Wotring
  7. Moore

Thursday, September 13
Home match vs. Grayslake North (Varsity wears blue shirts, JV black)
Tee Time - 4PM

Lineup (in no particular order)
  1. Kass
  2. Mulvey
  3. Brown
  4. Matejka
  5. Legnaioli
  6. Dingman
  7. Miller
  8. Doherty
  9. Schyvinck
  10. Jack DeStephano
  11. Rorig
  12. Brandon Smith
  13. TBA
  14. TBA

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